A - Explorer Program

A step-by-step explanation of how to programming Tobbie II to explore the world by itselves!

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Summary: Learn how to programming Tobbie to explore the world!

Step 1: Create Variable GO and set GO = 0

You can specify what Tobbie will do when it just start out by using the block below

1 - Create a variable

Variable is valuable for any type of programming. In this case GO variable is acting as a counter to help Tobbie keep track of how many task its has on hand

You can declare variable by following the below screen

2 - You will be ask to add variable name then click OK

3 - Scroll down to see the option to tell Tobbie what is the value of variable GO

You can specified a value of a variable by using the block below

Don't worry if you cannot see the variable you just name. You can choose from a list of available variable by click on the down arrow

4 - Let's see the complete block of code

Step 2: Programming how Tobbie can wake up when you press button A

1 - We want Tobbie can react and show us the count down that Tobbie is going to explore the world so we can set Tobbie on a flat surface

You can specify what Tobbie will do once the button A is pressed using the block below

2 - Then we can add count down by programming the LED of Tobbie

3 - But we also want Tobbie to make some noise once its ready to depart to their adventure!

4 - After pausing for 100ms (it is very quick), Tobbie will add one to the variable GO (this mean Tobbie has finished one task!)

5 - Let's see the complete block of code

Step 3: Programming how Tobbie can stop explore when you press button B

1 - We want Tobbie can stop exploring to conserve energy when pressing button B

You can specify what Tobbie will do once the button B is pressed using the block below

2 - Since Tobbie is going to stop, we need to tell Tobbie to set variable GO back to 0 (mean Tobbie has no task to do. For now! )

3 - We also want Tobbie make some noise and show that on its LED indicator

4 - Let's see the complete block of code

Step 4: Tell Tobbie what to do. And Tobbie will do it. Forever!

You can program Tobbie to do the same task forever by using the block

1 - We want to create Logic component for Tobbie. Tobbie now can check if its has a task on hand or not & proceed with the program or if not, stop its program on the course

You can using Logic Block to check the status of variable GO

2 - If the condition is being satisfied, then Tobbie can proceed to go forward

You can check the Installation guide for Tobbie II Extension on Makecode

3 - Next, let's utilise the IR sensor that Tobbie II equipped with to detect obstacle!

There are two case for Tobbie, so you can using If-else statement

4 - First scenario: Programming Tobbie what to do once its receive IR sensor data (mean they found obstacle)

5 - Second Scenario: Programming Tobbie to continue walking and not showing any warning.

6 - If Tobbie II receive the signal that the GO variable = 0, means that Tobbie II doesnt't have any task to perform, Tobbie II will stop rotating & walking altogether

7 - Let's see the complete block of code

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